During the academic year 05/06 I undertook a year long residency at Regents International School in the Chonburi district of South East Thailand. During the year I worked across the school from primary through to 6th form creating artworks, leading workshops and collaborating with teachers to contribute to the wider school program. I also worked outwith the school at the Fountain of Life Children’s Centre in Pattaya and spent time researching and developing new work in response to my travels in the region. See the following pages for information on individual projects: FOL Children’s Project We Listened to Fourtet… English Week IDEALS Graphic Music Scores Patternfield
- Performance Project with Ko Pi Pi Primary School Photographs:Artists Own
- Mural Project for Ko Pi Pi Primary School Photographs: Artists Own
- Performance Project with Ko Pi Pi Primary School Photography: Artists Own
- Patternfield research drawing Photography: Artists Own
- Shadow Puppet Workshop Photography: Artists Own
- Shadow Puppet Workshops Photography: Artists Own
- Research drawings for We Listened to Fourtet… Photographs: Artists Own
- Ceramic workshop for school parents Photography: Artists Own