Work made in response to an invitation from visual artist Abraham Cruzvillegas to contribute work to Autoconstrucción a collaborative performance project for the gallery Kurimanzutto Mexico City, 20th May 2010. The objects depict a set of seven symbols devised by Adolfo Best Maugard for his book A Method for Creative Design published in 1927. The […]

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Regents International School Residency 05/06. The IDEALS banner project took the form of a primary school competition to create designs for a series of banners to decorate the school playground celebrating the seven IDEALS of The Round Square Organisation; dedicated to broadening students educational experiences through a commitment to: Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership, Service. […]

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From 2000 – 2002 I worked predominantly with Bone china paper clay on a series of objects that focused on the notion of drawing in three dimensions, using the material to define positive and negative spaces. These objects evolved to include drawn marks on the surface of the bone china and led directly into work […]

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